Reflection-homeschool life

I am sitting here at the end of my day and looking at my house.  All is quiet and peaceful.  I look around me and see birthday balloons still floating above the dining room table, a kitchen that is not quite as clean as I would like it and toys scattered throughout my downstairs living area.  This is usually a point of frustration in my day where I reflect on how I didn’t get enough done in my day.  A clean house is a peaceful house in my book.  There is some truth to that, but I also was sitting here and reflecting on how this mess that I am staring at is also a representation of blessings.  The imperfect kitchen, the toys that don’t seem to ever be put away, even the balloons that are still floating above the kitchen represent life.  I am blessed with a 5 year old that just celebrated his birthday.  I am blessed by a house full of children that are learning and experiencing their own journey of growing up.  I get a front row seat to see what God plans to do with their lives.  The Speech and Debate world captured our attention tonight and led me to having an imperfect kitchen. It’s a delight to see our kiddos work on their communication and critical thinking skills and enjoy doing it!

Now don’t get me wrong, the kitchen and the toys will get picked up and my downstairs will eventually be clean but I am realizing that I need to quit dwelling on the things I didn’t get done and embrace the blessings and things that did get done.  I am in a unique season in my life where my kids are young and my main investment of time is with them.  I need to stop stressing about the little things that don’t always get done and embrace the moments that God is giving me everyday.  I am blessed!

Word of Encouragement to Parents-

Embrace the journey you are on with your kiddos.  Enjoy your front row seat in watching them grow into the young men and women that God has called them to be.  You are amazing and need to realize that everyday.  God has given you the children you have for a specific purpose and reason.  He has mighty plans for them and is choosing to use you to help them grow.